We went to Dallas for my cousin’s bachelorette party a few weeks ago. At that time, my parents were in the process of moving out of their house and into a new house, so we helped them move some stuff and organize the new kitchen. Organizing is my favorite!
*Side note: when I just re-read that I had written, “Organizing is my favorite,” it reminded me of the part in Elf where Buddy says, “I just like to smile. Smiling’s my favorite.” Haha. Am I the only who just laughed? Oh well…
My cousin’s bachelorette party went really well. We went to Tillman’s Roadhouse, which has the most wonderful décor! Who doesn't love chandeliers?!

And really good popcorn! We went back to my sister’s house for peanut butter chocolate fondue and games.
Thanks valet parking guy for not being able to focus the camera or take a good picture--twice! It's a camera you're not used to, so I understand messing the first picture up. But the second time?!
While we were in Dallas, we also went to the State Fair of Texas. We’ve gone pretty much every year since I can remember. It’s one of my favorite things to do! We tried fried peanut butter and jelly sandwiches—which were pretty good, and fried cookie dough balls—which were amazing!

This isn’t really my picture. I brought my camera to the fair, but of course, didn’t take a single picture…
I’ve also been really busy doing some design work. I created some Christmas card templates for Jessica’s photography business. I just sent her a new template last night too!
I also designed a birthday party invitation for her daughter Madison’s 2nd birthday. It was the cutest Garden Fairy birthday party ever! Pictures coming soon!
I designed and printed wedding programs for my cousin’s wedding this weekend. I used the pearl metallic paper I love so much! Again, pictures coming soon!
I’ve also got a few other projects in the works that I’m really excited about. Once things pan out a little more, I’ll update you!
In the meantime, I’m starting to get back into my wanting-a-dog phase. I was out of that phase for awhile, but it’s starting to come back. I actually made a call about some dogs I found in the newspaper on Friday. We’ll see where that goes…
And, I’m back into Zumba! I had missed about 7 weeks from being sick, out of town or working on projects, but now I’m back! I picked it back up with Jason’s mom last week, and man, it was kind of rough! But we had a great time.
I think I’m caught up now! Happy Monday!