A little background: I go back and forth between wanting a dog and not wanting a dog. Wanting something little to cuddle with, not wanting the responsibility. Wanting something to take on a walk, not wanting the expenses of a dog...and on and on. A few weeks ago--maybe even last month--I was in my dog phase (which I'm still in and out of). Jason usually isn't quick to get on board with my dog phase. On this particular day, I found an opening and I went for it. I pulled out my most persuasive skills...that's when this conversation between Jason and me happened:
me: aww isn't she cute??

Jason: looks like it is missing some toes
me: what??
Jason: front
our left
me: there's a toe there
Jason: yeah....3
Jason: looks mangy
me: are you serious???
Jason: yeah....looks like it has been in a few fights
me: no he doesn't!
well do you see one you like? http://humanesocietyofwesttexas.wordpress.com/category/dogs-for-adoption/
Jason: no
me: aww you're so mean
me: haha aww
where is this little guy?
Jason: i think this site is for a rescue in abilene
me: aww do you want him?
or her
Jason: Yorkie, Chihuahua, Maltese
me: aww we should go this weekend....
me: you didn't say nooooo!!!!
ok we can go
and we can take jayjay and bonnie girl
Jason: i just can't figure out if it's going to be an ugly dog or not
they sound pretty good
Jason: do they shed
me: i don't know
i don't think yorkies do
but i'm not sure about chihuahuas
Jason: it's also maltese
me: i don't think they do
The Chorkie has a very low to no shed coat.
The Chorkie is a very intelligent dog who should take to positive-reinforcement training quickly.
Jason: does it look kinda scruffy
me: it's hard to tell. maybe she needed a bath at the time of the picture, maybe it'll smooth out over time
i'm not sure
this one doesn't look scruffy. it's an adult
Jason: that one is freaky looking
Jason: weird
Jason: haha
Jason: fatty
me: aww
Jason: he is probably pooping on the bed right now
me: dog still speaking: you didn't say no, jason.....i think you want me.....i be good...promise! i no have accidents on your bed!
Jason: how much is it
me: i don't know
Jason: who would be in charge of training it?
me: hopefully we both would
Jason: wrong
me: why do you say that?
Jason: i would help, not be in charge
me: ok
Jason: i don't know how to potty train them
me: you'll learn, it's easy
Jason: well, find out more info about this one and let me know
me: i'm emailing now
Jason: well, i see someone jumped on that
So yes, I did email about little Bonnie. I went back and forth with a lady about her. Apparently, going through this particular organization was as intense as adopting a child (not really, but it's a pretty rigorous process for just adopting a pet!). The organization wants an application with all sorts of information about where you work, what your house looks like, the kind of backyard you have, your daily schedule, etc. After you submit an application, a person from the organization comes for a home visit to see what your house looks like and how you live. Before I submitted my application, I wanted more information about Bonnie. Is she hyper? Does she shed? Is she already potty trained? What is her health history? Things like that. Maybe I asked too many questions because after my second email, the lady never responded again.